Friday, 4 June 2010


Mill24 has drawn to a close. Our final 24-hour installment happened on the 29th/30th May. You can see all the info about it here and some of my photos from April's show here. We're still in the process of sorting through May's documentation, so check back for more films and stills.

Mill24 has been an amazing opportunity as a first time curatorial project. Helen, Lois and I have been invited to stay on at Islington Mill, and we're talking about turning Mill24 into an annual event.

I thought I'd take a moment while catching my breath to show and tell the design work I did for all of the show's promotional material.

April's flier
May's Flier
Exhibition catalogue - separate editions for April and May

In addition to a catalogue with interpretive text, we gave visitors a map/timetable when they entered the show. This folded down to a handy A5 pamphlet for easy reference.
I hand screen printed all of the fold out maps and catalogue covers at one69a.
This saved us a lot of cash, and made both of these items into 'collectables.' I like spending time with them guys, and being involved in the process of physically manifesting the show, as opposed to just planning and emailing.

P.S. excuse my stumpy, unphotogenic fingers. Must remember to hire a hand model next time.

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